
The main aim of the iCirBus-4 Industries project is to solve management of residues from Biomass Plants (Fly Ash) and Water Treatment Plants (Sewage Sludge), with an important impact on the environment.
Concretely, the project will demonstrate the possibilities of using biomass fly ash (wastes from biomass power plant) as adsorbent agent for the heavy metal contents and other hazardous organic compounds contained in local WWTP sludge in order to use the later as low-impact fertilizer. Finally, in a second stage, used biomass fly ash is subsequently valorized as inertizating by-product for recyclable construction materials. 
The project aims to implement the circular economy concept through actions focused on the cascade use of wastes materials from the regional industries of Power Biomass and Water Treatment to become them new validated environmentally friendly products for the industries of Fertilizers and Construction Materials. 
It this sense, the project proposes an innovative collaborative inter-industrial structure or "industrial symbiosis" that allows reducing the amount of local wastes whilst increasing the production and competitiveness of the regional economy in a sustainable and long-term way. It also benefits from the logistic savings that come from working at regional level and integrates additional efficiency measures for the optimized use of energy, water and materials. 
Exploitation strategies after project finalization and dissemination and communication actions have also been integrated as key actions.